Director"s Message Image
Pramod Sir Image

Mr. Pramod Singh
Director, Edge IAS

Dear Aspirant,
Welcome to Edge IAS!!
At this stage of your life, you are at the cusp of a very critical decision. You have, perhaps already taken one - the decision to prepare for Civil Services Examination (CSE) and to be a part of the "Steel Frame of the nation". As you start considering your options, we would like to take this opportunity to share our knowledge with you about the CSE preparation process. First things first- Get your objective for Preparation correct!!! Edge IAS offers a unique and tested pedagogy for all the genuine aspirants. We as a team envisage the success and career path through our experience and care. Since the number of seats are limited, you must work smartly to succeed. Holistic preparation requires intrinsic motivation, love for the work, building thought process, linguistic abilities and persevered effort. Edge IAS, will help you in every possible way to make you fit for your most important decision of your life, your career and provide you the requisite EDGE.
Best Wishes.

Mr. Arun Chaturvedi Image

Mr. Arun Chaturvedi
Director, Edge IAS

Dear Student,
Glad to meet you!
The Civil Services Exam requires good knowledge base coupled with clarity of thoughts to excel in it. The guiding principle of Edge IAS has been our student centric approach in whatever we do. We aim to provide comprehensive development of the student through regular training and testing. Through our sessions we try to develop a student's ability to focus, learn, filter and innovate.
The faculty team at Edge IAS is highly qualified and experienced. The entire team is very professional and dedicated towards students. Our success rate year after year speaks volumes about our quality of training.
We also provide live online interactive sessions, which the students can attend from the comfort of their homes. This is designed for college going students, working professionals and aspirants from remote areas.
Hope we have given you enough information and made your choice easy.
We are counting on you to make this year your very best !!